Subject name: Foundations of Information Systems |
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Ваsic concepts of data and information systems; organization and information system; IS basic operations of information systems; roles and responsibilities of the IS professional information systems components; types of information systems; the need to develop and change information systems; development of information systems; system development life cycle; system development methods; information systems management: time, quality, cost, human resource, change, risk, procurement, and communication; information systems policy and strategy; system deployment and conversion; economic basis of information systems; security of information systems; use of information systems. • Understand the information system, the purpose, needs and significance of its use; • Identify and interpret the components of information systems and their interactions; • Recognize the types of information systems and their features; • Understand the role of information system in business processes, how the organizations develop and implement the information systems; • Determine the information system, which supports organizational business processes by analyzing the organization and business activities; • Analyze and evaluate the use of information systems used in organizations and businesses.