Subject name: Issues on Information Technology and Social Informatization 


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Role of information and communication technology in society and human development; globalization; characteristics of the Digital World; ICT development and its trends; digital divide; information privacy, accuracy, property, and accessibility; information security; ICT ethical issues; ICT legal issues; ICT related laws and policy documents; intellectual property; copyright and privacy protection; computer crime; cyber threat, cyber war and cyber terrorism; evidence, digital forensic, computer forensic, digital evidence, E-policy and regulations; E-service and its proper usage.

• Determine knowledge on the level of IT and ICT in education learners.

• Determine current situation of ICT development, evaluation, conclusion.

• Apply and employ ICT law and ethics, legal environment, legal regulation, information technology basic legal knowledge.

• Apply and employee ethical behavior in the society and the knowledge.

• Analyze, use and perform of ICTs to be culturally sound, right and risk-free.